Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Strongholds: 12-17-07

A strong hold is a place of refuge for something or someone. In a historical sense it is a military construct. It is the safest place for one’s army. Also it is the place of last resort that is safe and yet able to also be utilized as a position for attacking. This symbolizes the ultimate in defense and offense at the same time.
    With this last statement in mind, let’s transition this thinking over to the psychology, or religion of one’s thoughts. In order to excel with our understanding we must bring the stale negative connotation of a stronghold into the perfect dichotomy that we see in the “historic” sense of the word. Most will acknowledge the negative aspects of the idea as being the religious clutching of wrong and ‘self-damaging’ concepts. Any lie that is believed strongly will be acted upon as a second nature. This is classified as a stronghold because the lie is so foundational to our behavior that we scarcely realize the origins of what manifests in our conscious state. Simply put; the lie is safe to do harm while our subconscious protects it.
 Unfortunately, this is usually where traditional thinking leaves off. Left with imbalance, all man can do is hope to scope out these disrupters of peace and keep from acquiring and building on new ones.
    On the other hand, we could find a prosperous balance if we identify the true dichotomy offered us through the covenant with the Almighty God. Let’s examine the positive connotation of a stronghold now. Just as in the negative sense, the foundation building is initiated by believing a lie, in the positive sense, we experience true prosperity of being by the simple act of believing the Truth. One that can receive the Truth of God’s promises, whether that be through written transference or oral (Rhema) transference, and clutch to it as foundationally as he does to the lies that present themselves everyday can build a prosperous subconscious, whereby they will definitively see it’s manifestation in the conscious.
No man will deny that believing that one is hopeless will lead that person to experience life in total contradiction to one who foundationally believes that they are of great value to every one around them. This is carnal understanding, and yet there are so many things that God wills for man that go beyond ‘common’ sense, that manifest themselves just the same.
    Where this positive side becomes a stronghold is in the everyday experience of man. He will only be presented with two opportunities; both a paradox of the other. If man believes that which is Truth, he can make this a ‘standing ground’ against the ‘enemies’ of Truth; Lies. And just as in the historical sense, man is not only guarded from the effects of believing the paradoxical lie, but he also is seeing the benefits of the offensive strategy involved in the concept of a stronghold. He not only has avoided experiencing the ‘weeping and gnashing of teeth’, but also has guaranteed he will experience the holistic prosperity of “battles won without loss of Life”.
    In this, I must proclaim that every promise and dynamic of God’s covenant with man is the exact trumping countermeasure to every possible lie that the ‘world’ is waiting for us to believe.

Build quickly, or be taken…..

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