Saturday, May 1, 2010

Getting in Tune 04-24-10

In worship this morning, I became very in tune to the Spirit of God.  It seems that sometimes our spirit must find the proper fervency to be receptive.  This can only be found when the cares and worries of earth have been pushed aside temporarily.  For me this happens with some basic supplicating verses that serve as the “tuning fork of my soul”  It allows my words and intentions of the heart to become one.  This is rare in everyday life.  I will sing until my mind becomes singular in purpose on these words, knowing my intention to enter into the Throne of Almighty God.  “Answer me when I call to You Oh Answer me…Be Merciful Oh Lord to me….” .  And another “Oh draw me Lord, and I’ll run, to you”.

So anyway, in this time of prayer I received a cleansing flow of mind and heart that is not of this world.  I am always mindful with God to find the solution to my ever wandering heart.  The Spirit spoke to mine to shut off the ways the world influences me, so that I can be influenced by the River of Life within.  I heard the Lord say that I am not to focus on what people don’t do, or where they have erred according to His Truth, but to listen inward for his Precepts and Directives.  If I will focus on His direction for me and How Christ walked it out, he will empower me with a wonderful influence in my world.

May he grant me the grace to enact this paradigm shift, as I know things are easy to agree with but not to commit to.

Once again, “If thine Eye offend thee, Cut it Out”.

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