Saturday, November 29, 2014

The Door

If you were called into the presence of the creator,

To Unite and become one,

What would you do?

There is a door,

It is open to All,

But no MAN OR WOMAN may pass through.

No physical bodies,

No pride, no greed, no sensual desire,

No names, no family, no possessions at all.

Would you go today?

Would you leave the drama called LIFE,

That is maintained in everlasting motion by those very things

That must be left behind?

It is funny what holds us to this earth,

Our loyalties and limitations keep us occupied

All of our days.

We have been given a gift in being able to witness

Both the birth of things, AND their eventual death.

We can see the continuance of this drama after life has left our bodies,

We can KNOW that we are more than physical beings

We can use this wisdom to free us from our limited Selves.



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