Monday, September 26, 2011

Be Anxious for Nothing

This walk over the past few years has increasingly become more about  being discipled by the Spirit of Christ Himself. With that being said, here is some insight into why Christ would instruct us to not worry as the "unenlightened" do.

Once you know a little about Christ, you will easily hear him say that he was only concerned with God's will, and not his own.  This is because "The Way" in which he claimed to BE was the way of complete "self" abnegation.  The acts of mankind that are less than perfect can be traced back to man's identification with a perceived individual "self". What made Christ able and equipped to do only God's will is that he was living completely out of his identification with God alone.

As we interact with the world out of our relation to the "self" we develop a false sense of control, of which truthfully we have none outside of our own decisions and character. It is here that we build our expectations of life, which in turn create our anxieties towards unfavorable outcomes.

Christ is brutally clear, "He that finds his life, shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake, shall find it".
If you are trying to hold onto your "self" made life, it and you will experience an undeniable loss. If you will follow Christ's example and renounce your "self" made life, you will experience Life and Peace.  We are exhorted in no comfortable terms, "If a man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up HIS cross, and follow me". We can only pursue the life giving power of Christ in recognition of this self denial and death.

When we begin to destroy the "self", we will find it wholly impossible to concern ourselves with the petty worries that our flesh has distracted us with all our lives. Instead of bringing our "laundry lists" of concerns TO God, we will move on to the True Faith of concerning ourselves WITH God alone.  Only then, can we transcend the storms of life, because we no longer entangle ourselves in the affairs that rest Solely in God's hands to begin with.

I would like to take the time, over the next few posts to give the practical side and experiences of living out this Truth.

May This Find You In Peace!!



  1. So true Loren. As someone who struggles with anxiety this really spoke to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am glad I found your blog.

  2. Renee, I am glad that these words spoke to you and the struggles you experience. I pray you find Comfort, Peace, and a whole lot of Grace to approach this reality every day.

  3. Loren, I am also glad I found your blog. It is wonderful. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. They are much appreciated, my friend. God bless you and your family.

  4. Thanks Jose, I am glad you enjoyed these writings. I pray they will continue to bless you. Peace and Grace to you and your family!!
