Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where is the True Christ?

In our many engaging conversations lately, my wife and I have been focused on the concept of the "Authentic Jesus" of the scriptures.  It is amazing to see and recognize the great care and boldness with which Christ instructed his followers on issues of the greatest spiritual importance.

I am certain, as he has taught me, that the extent to which we are faithful to hear, reflect, and assimilate his divine truths will directly determine the success we experience within this Kingdom of Heaven. It is because of this knowledge that Christ spoke quite abruptly to the root issues that men and women deal with as we try to maintain a gratifying existence here on earth.

We have discussed  many of the "common" characterizations of Christ throughout the our generation, and how profoundly inaccurate they are in representing the basic purpose for his coming to this earth. As Christ came to cause people to break free from the oppression of their culturally planted worldviews, it is ironic that the most common views of Christ in our time can literally make his teachings compatible with any pattern of life we find ourselves locked into.

The most common characteristic we find within the current landscape is the "non-judgmental" Jesus.  This image is mainly justified by the often quoted text, "Judge not, lest ye be judged". This quote has been used by every person that has felt the sting of someone other than themselves pointing out what they already know to be true of themselves. I am no stranger to this feeling as well. And yet, left to itself, this misrepresented divine edict would stop Christ himself from accomplishing what he came to accomplish, AS WELL AS from saying most of what he said during his ministry.

I will address this Truth further in the next blog.

For now I would like for you to tell me your thoughts and experiences with Judging.




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